Hardware vs software wallet (MetaMask Wallet)
MetaMask is one of the most popular names in the Web3 space. This crypto wallet, which surpassed over 30 million active monthly users earlier last year, is often the first point of contact for many people in the NFT ecosystem. It serves as a gateway to the Ethereum blockchain for many where you can buy and sell digital assets. Whether you are transitioning away from an existing software wallet or looking to buy ETH and build an NFT collection for the very first time, this blog post will guide you through some of the basics of the MetaMask wallet and give you the differences between a software and hardware wallet. So let us begin! What is MetaMask? MetaMask is a free-to-use browser extension and mobile app which allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Just like in the real world, you require a wallet to store money and buy things, a software wallet lets you do similar things like buying, selling, and trading digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Me...